Variability Of Safety Risks In Production Environments


Deepak Dhungana, D. D., Haselböck, A. H., Ruiz-Torrubiano, R. R.-T. & Wallner, S. W. (2022, septiembre). Variability of safety risks in production environments. AMC Digital Library Home. Recuperado 14 de septiembre de 2022, de


The purpose of this document is to eliminate risks in production safety management. Models are considered to manage security risks and then propose solutions. These models shorten the processes of identification and risks in problems in any factory or company. It is important to note that this is usually executed manually.


This article looks very complete, detailed, with examples, observations and good information.  It can be seen that the authors carried out good research on the management of risks in the production of a factory or company.  When reading the article, you can see the various topics such as: models for safety, risk catalogs, accidents in databases among other related topics.

I do not think that this article has anything for better, it contains information developed with examples, explained formulas, detailed illustrations and recommendations of the authors.  On a follow-up article, the author himself proposes a formalized plan and standardize approaches to build automation tools that help improve risk management in a company.  A next article should focus on how to create that plan and automation.

The article talks about risk assessments to identify hazards in the safety of a factory in production environments. The goal was to use different models to identify risks and then automate processes so that safety certifications don't take long. After reading the article and reading that a risk management certification done manually can take a long time; if I agree that these processes can be automated so that certification can be obtained as soon as possible.

From my point of view, I consider that all certification, permits, contracts and all kinds of bureaucracy that takes a long time for a company to continue producing should be evaluated to improve processes. After reading the article consider that automating all these would be a good advance to improve production in any company. 

